Monday, January 20, 2020

What will happen to the U.S. after Trump's acquital? What kind of country will we be?

A question needs to be asked: What is this country going to look like if Trump gets acquitted?
It will be utterly open season to solicit and coerce assistance from foreign governments and nationals in our election processes from now on. It will make us "pine for the innocent times" of post-Citizens United when _merely_ domestic billionaires could buy our elections.
From now on, candidates will spend as much time in Moscow/Sochi, Riyadh/Dubai, Mumbai/Goa and Beijing as at fundraisers in New York, Texas or Los Angeles to say nothing of the positively "Norman Rockwell-ish" business of canvasing Iowa or New Hampshire for votes.
Instead campaigns will actively seek the endorsements of "Team Russia", "Team China", "Team Saudi", "Team India" and possibly "Team EU" and countries like the Ukraine will be asked to just "get out of the way."
But then this is the whole "weltanschaung" of Trump anyway. He doesn't give a damn about people except those who could help him personally. So Ukraine would be emblematic of Europe's version a "loser" / "s-hole" country. Never mind that it has a 1000 year history, defined by a similarly 1000 year old distinct religion of Byzantine Catholicism (that makes Ukrainians neither Russians nor Poles) and a population comparable to France and a resource base comparable to Germany.
Where did Trump get these ideas of dividing up the world into "great" and "loser" countries?
Perhaps we should take seriously both that Trump challenged for years the veracity of Obama's birth certificate and Trump's own claim that Trump's father was born in Germany, despite his own birth certificate identifying his father as someone one who, records show, had been born (and subsequently lived most of his life) in New York City, 
Perhaps Trump is really an illegitimate son of a prominent (or perhaps not so prominent) Nazi fugitive.

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