Friday, January 8, 2021

Coda (I hope :-) on the Presidency of Donald Trump

Obviously, I've never been a fan of Trump AS PRESIDENT [1] [2] [3] [4]. To be honest, I kinda liked his show The Apprentice. I'd _never_ fire people like he did, and never have, but I liked the show. But as a leader, from day one he seemed TO ME to be of the Mussolini mold.
Anyway, attached here is IMHO the best article about Trump's dictatorial ambitions. Put bluntly, the OpEd author wrote that Trump was simply _too lazy_ to be a dictator. The closing paragraph reads:
"Subverting democracy requires more effort than Trump is willing to exert. He wants to be a dictator, but he’s unwilling to do the work to become one. Just as he inherited a fortune, he wants to inherit an autocracy. To be a successful strongman, you need a strong work ethic. Trump has only weak ethics."

Indeed, this Wednesday as he was psyching up his people for his "Beer Hall Putsch" (without even providing the beer...), he told the people, "And I will be there with you." NO HE WASN'T. Was it too far? Was it too cold? Was he just lazy? He just went in and watched it all on TV.
The John Coleman character in the "Big Lebowski," shocked that his friend's rug was pissed-on by Nihilists ("They don't believe in anything") rather than Nazis, said "Well, I'll be damned, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, at least it was an ethos."
Anyway, thankfully it's all coming to an end -- still 5 people died -- without the costs being worse.
Oh yes, and then there's the 350K people who died here of the Coronavirus, while everywhere else, things have been led much better than here. But again, it honestly could have been worse.